
Friday, September 28, 2012

Day Sixty-three

I have no energy today: until about 2:00 PM, I have been sleeping. I thought that perhaps all of these cat scratches were combining to pull me down, but I think any of them is infected and I'm running less than a degree of fever.

After considering that I'm feeling more than just normal tired, I called my MD2U doc. It seems that the several symptoms I have had over the past week or so are all side effects of the medication I began just over two weeks ago! Now I need to evaluate the positives and negatives of this medication.

Little Girl has discovered the storage space beneath the printer and has been pushing everything the can out of it onto the floor.

Later in the day Sugar evicted Little Girl from the space and now quietly occupies it, even though Little Girl has attempted to evict Sugar. [silly cats]

1 comment:

  1. Rev Nick,
    I hope those scratches don't become evicted. Do you have antibiotic ointment? Glad the kittykids seem to be getting along better! Yeah, meds do sometimes carry side effects that are hard to deal with. Sometimes you have to weigh whether a,med is worth taking with the side effects or not.
