
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Day Forty-seven

I'm cold! The outside temp is 65 F and the inside temp is 70 F, but still I am chilled. I think that I shall check my internal temp.

I think my buddy, Alex, now weights more than the 10 lbs he has weight for all of his adult life. I'll bet he's up to 12 or 13 lbs. I had been worried because he didn't seem to be eating; now I realize his food bowl is full because he eats from Sugar and Little Girl's food bowls.

Do not remember the former things,

   or consider the things of old. 
I am about to do a new thing;
   now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? ~ Isaiah 43.18-19

The more I read and hear about yesterday's attacks on U.S. embassies, the more I believe that these were Islamic right-wing attacks orchestrated specifically to take place on 9/11. I believe they were planned before this idiot video appeared on YouTube and that stupid video was used as a opportunist excuse.
I am ill. Chills, fever, left leg quite weak. With no caregiver, I need to do a lot--cleaning, dishes, laundry, care of the kitty kids--that I am unable to day. I also need to be on the phone with VA regarding what is being done to supply me with a new care-giving agency. I have telephoned for the past 3 days and can find no one who has any information. This is not good.

 I took a nap and am awake (I think). I ache all over my body, but am able to walk even though it hurts badly.I have my sense of humor (I think) and plan on going back to bed and screw the rest of what I need to do until I feel OK enough to do it.

I drank some 5-hour Energy. I still ache, my left leg remains weak, and I have a fever, but at least I am not falling asleep.

After read this and this I am energized and enraged! I have numerous Muslim friends and have been contacted by 4 of them, each of whom is as angry about the attack and the murder of Ambassador Chris Stevens  as I am. I do not feel like a peacemaker where these attacks are concerned: I want retribution!

FYI: I would commit suicide before I would live under Sharia Law. I value human dignity and freedom too much to subject myself to such malevolence.
Come on, Ayatollahs, declare a jihad against me. I am too old to worry about your immature absurdities and too ill to care.


  1. May you have a flu?

    1. I sure hope I haven't the flu. I awakened feeling cold this morning and am still cold. Maybe I have chills?

  2. Rev Nick,did you get a flu shot? Seems it's hitting earlier every year! Let it all go until you feel better, take your own advice. I would bring you some chicken soup if I was able. Sandy

    1. Not yet. But I have a VA medical appointment tomorrow and I inquire about getting one.

  3. That energy stuff, Sir, must be quite powerful! You went from very ill to very irate quite fast. I agree with your anger, my dear sir! I hope your illness passes quickly.
