
Monday, September 24, 2012

Day Fifty-nine

Lots of stress today plus I am ill. I am so ill that I have postponed my meeting with the potential housekeeper until Wednesday.

I have been ill most of today. I still feel weak, but must prepare for tomorrow. Sugar needs to be at the Humane Society at 8:00 AM tomorrow for her spay appointment. I plan to have the cat carrier and Sugar in the bedroom with the door closed tonight. In the morning we'll get going by 7:15 AM. 

I pray that all goes well.


  1. so sorry u r ill. feel good soon.

  2. Sorry you're unwell. Blessings of wellness

  3. I hope you and Sugar do OK. OK?

  4. hello nick this is your old house keeper tiffany i currently have no car or i would be your house keeper agian hope all is well friend
