
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Day Forty-eight

Waking up this morning was more hectic than usual:

  • I was cold when I awakened. I don't know what the temperature in my apartment was, but it was 64 F outside, so I went into the bathroom, turned on the small space heater, and stayed there, reading and cleaning out the litter box, until I felt warm.
  • Feeding the kitty kids was hectic: Little Girl had been sleeping between my legs and followed me into the bathroom and was on my heals as I distributed the kitty chow. Sugar wouldn't eat the cat food, but only wanted cat treats. (Her name is appropriate to her diet).
  • I couldn't find Alex. I called and called until I was anxious that he might be sick or even have died, Finally, I found him on the back of the top of the refrigerator. He must feel safe there—safe from be hassled by the two female cats.
  • Then, after all were fed and I was recording my vital signs in the HealthVet, I heard a noise, saw Little Girl pawing something beneath the closed pantry door, and realized that what she was pawing was a white paw. Sugar had gotten herself locked into the pantry.
  • I love these silly cats!

Alex and Sugar are hiding from Little Girl: Alex in the bathtub and Sugar in the bedroom closet. I had constantly protect my breakfast from Little Girl. I wonder if she will be less, uh, dominating after she is spayed?

Evidently I am more ill than I had hoped: chills, fever, weakness, body aches. I have an appointment at the VA clinic tomorrow. Until then I am going to rest. Screw the house cleaning!

Little Girl was running across printer table, desk, file cabinet, me and my chair and table beside my chair, leaping from one to the nest, as I was taking my meds. She knocked my pill box on the floor and the glass of diet cola on herself. Silly cat! Now she really needs a bath.

Alex is still hiding in the bathtub. Sugar and Little Girl are napping. I still have weakness and body aches --  no longer feel chilled and my temperature is down to 97.4 F, which is about what is normal for me. I am attempting to do a bit of house cleaning: with my weak leg I'm able to be up for about ten minutes at a time. I really miss having a caregiver.


  1. Alex is hiding from the girls? That is probably a very good idea. He is a wise kitty.

  2. Poor Alex. His home has been taken over by 2 alien cats.

  3. I hope you feel better soon. Cats! Such silly, aggravating loveable critters! Gotta love 'em!

  4. You do have silly cats! I hope that you regain your health quickly.
