
Friday, August 31, 2012

Day Thirty-five

At 5:30 this morning my online bank showed that my Social Security check had been deposited, so I left to purchase gasoline and food for the kitty kids and me. Outside the apartment I heard Sugar meowing, so I called her. She came out from behind a bush, would allow me to approach her but not pick her up. I opened the apartment door (through which she had escaped outside  two days ago), but she wouldn't go inside. She meandered onto the patio, I went into the apartment, opened the patio door, and sugar pranced inside. Now, almost 3 hours later, she had had her breakfast, lots of water, a double portion of kitty treats, and is now curled inside a canvas box, napping. Silly cat!

My response to the GOP and it's neofascist, right-wingers:

I purchased a large bag of cat food at the grocery this morning. A clerk helped me load it in my CR-V. Now I must figure out how to unload it and get it into the apartment without falling on my ass. I do have a cart I can use if I can find where my previous caregiver stored it.

I just received ia phone call informing me that a refund check will be mailed to me within the next 6 weeks. Hmmmmm, maybe it will arrive in time for Christmas?

Why can't these selfish right-wing idiots understand that Medicare isn't a give away to us old folks? I pay well over a $1000 a year for it and more considering the high cost of Medicare co-pays. That is a hell of a lot of money on my limited income. Bastard GOP fascists want to kill us elderly folks. Why not just put us in gas chambers the way Hitler and his crew who they seem to emulate did? I am pissed to no end.
Sugar and Little Girl played a bit today...

but most of the day Sugar spent napping.

Meanwhile, Alex ignored both of the female felines.


  1. You are "pissed," Sir! I don't blame you. I am happy that you white cat returned. I appreciate the music! :)

  2. Joshua in CanneltonAugust 31, 2012 at 8:48 PM

    Good writing, Pastor Nick. The more I read your journal the more I like it.
