
Monday, October 1, 2012

Day Sixty-six

I have been waiting for today, when my pension check is deposited into my account, for two weeks. I awakened at 5:00 AM and checked my bank online repeatedly until 6:00 when the pension funds were posted to my account. Then I picked up my portable oxygen compressor and headed out to spend some money. My plans were simple: purchase gasoline, milk, bread, and kitty treats--items we have been out of for over a week.

As I backed out of my parking space I thought I had the car's brake engaged. But I didn't. It was difficult steering, so I pulled into the parking area at the apartment complex's office and checked my tires. Yep... what I feared: my right front tire was flat.

The next twenty-five minutes I attempted to inflate the tire with the can of Fix-a-Flat I carry and then with the little portable air compressor I also carry. The tire remained flat and I began to be concerned about the battery life of my oxygen machine. So I returned home and began an Internet search for help.

I have allowed my American Automobile Association membership expire because I lack the money for it. I more than paid for that this morning: I paid $64.95 to Firestone to have a service come and change my tire. Of course, that expenditure has shot my budget for October to pieces. I'll have to deal with that when I feel better.

Little Girl and Sugar watched as the tire was changed,

After the tire was changed, I went on with the morning plans: ten gallons of gasoline and the groceries. During the last minutes at the grocery, I began again having pains in my stomach and I feared a return of the diarrhea that has plagued me the past couple of days. I drove home (less than a mile) as quickly as I could, dropped the groceries on a living room chair, and just made it to the toilet when the diarrhea hit. I was on the toilet the next twenty minutes, most of the time cuddling Alex, who is still living in the bathroom.

After putting the groceries away and sharing kitty treats with Alex, Sugar, and Little Girl, I fell asleep and have slept most of the past five hours. I still feel weak.

 I am still very weak from four days of diarrhea, but I hope that its over and I'll be stronger tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Rev Nick, sorry you haven't had a very good day. Are you drinking anything like gatorade? Doing the brat diet for a few days? Used these with sick kids,hubby or me.Well kids & hubby gone, just me. Blessings my friend!
