
Monday, October 22, 2012

Day Eighty-six

This is unique for our home: all 3 kitty kids in the same photograph:

L. to R.: Little Girl, Sugar, Alex

We have many photos of two of the kitty kids together, but the above showing all three (even though they are spread out) is a rarity.

Little Girl and Alex

Alex (lower) and Sugar

Sugar and Little Girl

I've been immobilized with back pain for the past three days. Sitting is painful but standing and walking is agonizing. I am treating the pain with the VA prescribed  ibuprofen with little result. The only real relief I have had has been laying flat with my legs raised. Thus, I've gotten very little housework done. I need this pain to end soon!

My lower back has continued to ache all day. If It isn't better tomorrow, I'm going to try to drive to the VA ER.
Meanwhile, Alex has been very, very needy today. It has been difficult to write with Alex sleeping on my hand.

It's impossible to write with Alex sitting on the keyboard.

That's OK, since I've spent more time cuddling Alex that writing.

Now I'm shutting down to watch Monday Night Football with the kitty kids.



  1. Hope your back feels better soon. I love the pics of the kitty kids.

  2. Rev Nick, my heart goes out to you. Pain in the back is very hard to deal with. I hope & pray you feel better soon. I haven't found ibuprophen to help much for pain :(

  3. Replies
    1. I am doing my best, which may not be good enough!

  4. Rev Nick, have you tried a heating pad or some of those heat patches? Some people swear by maxfreeze, it's a rub. I've used the heat patches on bad days. I'm short & round so get the xl size. Kinda pricey but I've found them a Godsend on bad days, especially when I have to go somewhere I can't put off. Just a few thoughts. I do hope you feel better.
