
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Day Sixty-seven

Morning Mediation

I awakened feeling much, much better. After this morning's spiritual disciplines, I have set an agenda to:
  • catch up on apartment cleaning
  • establish a new budget for October to compensate for the cost of yesterday's emergency auto service
  • care for the kitty kids

October is both Domestic Violence Awareness Month & Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  I plan to begin blog posts on both. 

Capstar, the anti-flea pills arrived in today's mail. I used these instructions to get Little Girl to swallow the anti-flea pill. It was surprisingly easy and I wasn't scratched.

I tempted Alex onto the desk with his favorite kitty cat treats and then attempted to pill him.  He  used his normal techniques to spit the pill out twice, draw blood from my hand, and general fight being medicated. However, he did finally swallow the pill. 

Alex being comforted after swallowing the pill.

Sugar not only spit the pill out but also escaped my grasp and is hiding somewhere. 

Score: ME 2 -- KITTY KIDS 1. 

I shall nab Sugar sooner of later and she will swallow the pill!

It's done! All three kitty kids have swallowed their pills. Little Girl, the big kitten, with whom I expected the most trouble, was easy. Alex, who has had pills before, knew what was going on and spit the pill out twice before I was fast enough to hold his mouth closed and massage his throat until he swallowed it. Sugar, the smallest, was the most difficult: she kept slipping out of my grasp and I had problems forcing her mouth open. Now it is all done and if the info that came with the pills is accurate, all of the damned fleas on the three of them are dead!

About an hour ago as I was taking garbage out to the car, I suddenly couldn't breath. It was as if not oxygen was coming through my portable oxygen machine. I could tell the machine was working but I couldn't get any air into my lungs. I left the garbage bags outside of the car and rush back into the apartment, fearing that I would pass out before I got to the regular oxygen compressor that, unlike the portable machine, pumps a continuous stream of oxygen. 

The machine helped and I took doses from the Foradil Aerolizer, and the Proventic and  Combivent aerosols. Then I coughed up a hell of a lot of mucus, which I believe was somehow blocking my air passage. 

I am OK now, although I was terrified for several minutes. Not being able to breath does that to one. 

I am also exhausted and plan to retire in the not too distant future. 

The kitty kids seem to have forgiven me for forcing the pills into them. Sugar and Little Girl have begged treats, which I gave them. Then I visited Alex, who is again hiding out in the bathtub. 


  1. Delighted in your improvement, Sir! Beware of cats with extended claws.
