
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Day Seventy-six

My energy level is still low, but I have been able to gather most of the garbage and will take it to the dumpster this afternoon when I must drive to the pawn shop and pay another $50.00 to keep my guitar. Somehow I must raise the total $300.00 at one time to retrieve it. I thought I had most of it when a woman contacted me about my exercise bike that I have listed on Craig's List. 

Unfortunately, she emailed the next day that, unknown to her, her husband had purchased one from a used sports equipment store.

The kitty kids have been playing this morning. Sugar and Little Girl were chasing each other around the apartment. Old kitty Alex, of course, didn't join in: he has been looking out the window while sitting in his own sunbeam, one of his long-time favorite activities.

Now I shall return to apartment cleaning and hopefully not wear myself out too much.

My neighbor, who used to be Little Girl's human, dropped by the apartment. She told me about being hospitalized from last Saturday through last night. It was a serious condition and she's not yet healed. I pray for her.

Little Girl rubbed up against her former human's legs and my neighbor petted her. After she left, Little Girl stood by the door, crying. I feet sad that my neighbor felt she had to give Little Girl away.

Now I need tp shower and dress and take my $50.00 to the pawn shop. I pray that my energy allows me to do all of that.
I'm back from the trip to the (damned) pawn shop, $50.00 poorer and they still have my guitar. I did over do it a bit and the charge to my portable oxygen machine ran low before I returned home.

The kitty kids surrounded me as soon as I walked in the door, expecting (I assume) that I had brought them treats, which, of course, I had. Later the three did their own thing: Alex to the window, Little Girl on top of the printer, and Sugar napping in the rocking chair.

Moments before I snapped the above photo, Alex took a hard swipe at Little Girl with his right paw (still lifted above). Thankfully he missed her, It seems that Alex has gotten over being intimidated by the kitten! 

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