
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Day Eighty-three: Kitty Kids Update

My life with the kitty kids has been changing over the past few weeks:

Sugar has been much less active since she was spayed. She did escape outside once, but returned home on her own much sooner than in the past. She also naps more and has assumed Alex's spot on sleeping on or between my legs at night.

Little Girl is no longer in eat and is not crying all of the time. She is as active as she has always been. She follows Sugar around and, when Sugar receives her bit of milk each day, pushes her away from it. I have taken to putting two small bowls of milk on the kitchen floor. However, Little Girl always tries to push Sugar away from whatever one she is lapping up. As Sugar has taken to sleeping around my legs, Little Girl has begun to sleep on my chest, curled up with her neck just below my beard.

Alex worries me. He is no longer hiding in the bathroom or in the washroom; now he remains between the blinds and the window. He comes out only to eat, drink, and use the litter box. I have tried to cuddle him, but if he sees Little Girl he pulls away and goes back behind the Venetian blinds.

Alex is also again licking the hair from his tummy, tail, and legs.

Several years ago he had what his veterinarian said was an allergy and licked all of the hair from his tummy and was working on his his tail and legs. He had to take an oral medication (steroid) and wear a cone collar.

I must somehow find the funds to take my old buddy to see his vet.

At the moment I am having problems breathing because Little Girl chewed up two of my oxygen tube and my lift chair cut my last one in two when it came down on the nose hose. I took the least damaged one and repaired it with duct tape; however, I am not getting the required amount of oxygen. My blood oxygen level at the moment is at 87%.

I have telephoned the oxygen supply people (who have already provided three new hoses this month, which, I believe is my limit) and they will deliver more this afternoon. Until then, unless I want to us bottled oxygen or the portable oxygen compressor, I'll not be moving around very much.

Oops. Donna just reminded me that I need to give each of the kitty kids their second dose of Novartis Capstar Flea Treatment Blue Tabs for Dogs and Cats,nitenpyram, 6 tablets, 2-25lbs

I'll get to it as soon as my new oxygen tubing arrives. (I think I shall need the ability to move around quickly plus the energy I don't have when my Pulse Oximetry is down to 87% or less.


  1. Poor Alex! I hope he heals without getting another one of those things! I hope the oxygen stuff gets to you soon.

    1. The oxygen stuff arrived about 20 minutes ago. Alex isn't licking his fur as much, but he is still hiding behind the blinds.

  2. Will they deliver the tubing free, or are they going to charge you for it? I know sometimes they would tell my mom she'd reached her limit on paid supplies but somehow they always managed to find her a freebee...probably from someone else's supply that they didn't use.

    1. Hi, Zippy, Sadie, & Speedy kitty kids and their mom.

      VA covers all of the costs, as would Medicare: items for breathing and diabetes are all provided without copays.

      Fortunately, the new tubing has just arrived along with a new type of connector which supposedly helps keep the hose from curling up. I'm breathing better at the moment than I have all week.


  3. I wonder why your boy is acting so? Have you tried hotsauce on some of your equipment? Rev Nick, if we didn't have some kind of issues, what would the point be? Just an observation I've made about life. <3 <><

    1. Sandy, as it turns out (I discovered this about an hour ago) I don't believe Little Girl has been responsible for the majority of the damage to the tubing. I had to put some more duct tape on the hose when I got up from the lift chair. The had gotten caught in the lift mechanism and tore.

      I then found that all of the duct tape repairs on the house are within the length that could (and probably did) get caught in the up/down mechanism of the lift chair. I have apologized to Little Girl for blaming her for damage she did not do.
