
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Day Sixty-nine

Today has been a good day for me and the kitty kids. We all had breakfast before 6:00 AM, Alex dining  on my showering seat in the bathtub. Later, while Sugar and Little Girl were napping, the old boy crept out of the bathroom and had a second breakfast out of Little Girl's bowl. Hmmmmmmmmmm.

This morning a wrote a post for Nick's Bytes entitled My Kitty Kids, in which I described the three cats and briefly touched on their relationship. I stated the purpose of the post as:
 A few days ago I realized than many of my Nick's Bytes regular readers have been following the story of Alex since he was less than 2 years old and may wonder about my dear friend. So, this is an update on Alex and the other two kitty kids who now share my life.
Later this morning I did some follow-up on last night debate. From all that I read, I have decided that Mitt acted like any salesman and the President as a statesman. 

I have spent most of this afternoon napping. Again I lost my energy and have done little that I planned to do. That's OK. I am working under no deadline!

1 comment:

  1. Seems you're in a better spot Rev Nick :) So good to see.
