
Sunday, July 7, 2013

July 6, 2013

Today has been gloomy, rainy, and relatively cool. The temperatures have been in the low 70s all day. I am getting very tired of the shadows, so tired that I’m feeling rather depressed. If it were not for the Kitty kids, I would probably be very depressed. However, playing with them and watching their antics bring smiles to my soul.

It has been difficult to take pictures of LG’s kittens due to their being in the back of the closet beneath clothing and my being unable to stand. I have been able to take a few pictures today of the kittens and the Kitty kids:

My body pain has been less today than it has been over the last four days. It still more than normal and my left leg continues to be weak. The pain in the left side of my head is much less and that’s the good part.

I have been unable to stand or walk well, so I have spent most of today either sitting in front of the computer are reclining and sleeping in my lift chair. Being up on my feet for a few minutes at a time I’ve been able to do a bit of housecleaning. Most importantly, I have been able to wash all of the Kitty kids’ bowls so that I was able to treat them to their favorite wet cat food.

I was also able to edit and post a blog I wrote in 2009, A Story and Two Questions, regarding the uprising in the Warsaw ghetto during World War II. It describes a terrible historical event, very prominent in the Nazi genocide. All of the sadness and anger that I felt when I first wrote the post came back to me today.

To think of the lives lost due to the evil of Adolf Hitler and his crew saddens me. I remember the words spoken by Elie Wiesel that evening I met with him when I was in seminary: we must never forget the victims of the Holocaust. If we do, it will happen again and again and again.
Elie Wiesel

Unfortunately, genocide has continued: Genocides in History. And genocides continue today.


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