
Friday, May 30, 2014

2014-05-30 Friday

Late this morning I was going through stuff in the bedroom. I keep telling myself that when I find the energy, or, Veterans Affairs allows me to have a housekeeper again, I’m going to organize all of that stuff. That is not going to happen so I must continue to do things in 10 to 15 minute blocks of time with resting and having my leg elevated higher than my heart.

Anyway, I found a huge wad of all sorts of electrical cords and connections. Coming out of the wad I saw my long missing heating pad. “Ah,” I say to me self, “I can apply warmth with that the next time my back feels as it did the other day!”

There was, however, one rub: the long cord attached to the heating pad was buried throughout that huge ball of electrical stuff. So, I spent about 75 minutes this afternoon untangling the cord of the heating pad from all of the other cords. I am proud of my success.

Now, when I have the time, I shall work on separating the rest of the stuff from its entanglement. Some day. Maybe.

I published my Friday Funnies on Nick’s Bytes today. Here are the few of my favorites:

Ya'll have a grand weekend! 
I'll be back tomorrow, God willing and the electric company doesn't turn off my power.

1 comment:

  1. Some good ones! I always read, but forget to reply. Your jokes are great, Nick. :)
